Not great literature, but some interesting ideas and well-written; better written then the usual DC/Marvel trash. At least it didn't insult my intelligence too severely! Plus I have to admit that I get a big kick out of seeing evil versions of Superman, Batman, and the rest. When they're handled right (as here), they're a lot of fun. And I like alternate universe stories.I'll admit that the knowledge that DC wouldn't get too nasty with the "dark" characters added to the experience, for me. Unlike some people, I don't like books or comics where the author vies to see just how vile and shocking they can be. I run across that sort of thing more often than I would like.There's a little of that "normal Americans love their superheroes and fight to help them" shtick in this book. That seems to be a very popular theme for DC/Marvel. But at least it's used to comedic effect; it's still a bit annoying (as it was in Sam Raimi's Spiderman movie), but acceptable.